Clients & News

Clients & News

Our clients include:

  • Central Bedfordshire Council
  • Denbigh High School
  • Diocese of St Albans
  • EC Harris
  • Farley Junior School
  • Icknield High School
  • Luton Borough Council
  • Manshead Upper School
  • Mouchel
  • North Herts Homes
  • Oaklands College
  • St Ivo School
  • Wenlock Junior School


VSRW save St Ivo School more than £30,000.00, as part of oil to gas conversion works.

Acting as Client's Agent to St Ivo School, VSRW were asked to check the "Design and Build" proposals for a new gas inlet supply and meter for their Oil to Gas conversion works.

Calculations produced by VSRW led to the cancellation of a £32,000.00 order to the School's Third Party Gas Supplier.

St Ivo Premises Manager Tricia Gibbons said "We have been using VSRW for 12 years to help us reduce our energy spend but, to save this amount was beyond our expectations".

VSRW designs cut gas consumption from 660,995kWh to 273,148kWh

As education budgets tighten, any operational savings a school can make are welcome. So when Farley Junior School succeeded in more than halving its energy usage and carbon emissions, they were delighted with the results.

Over two years, VSRW provided designs for new boilers and heating.

The first phase comprised the installation of condensing boilers on a cascade system to replace the school’s aging atmospheric boilers.

The second phase of the project was completed with the addition of low temperature radiators and fan heaters. The use of low temperature heating allows the boilers to operate at the reduced maximum temperatures of 50/40⁰C, thus achieving maximum efficiency and energy savings at lower installation costs than conventional systems. This system is particularly suitable for schools, as the low temperatures remove any scald hazard from exposed pipework.

Farley Junior School’s energy data shows that gas consumption at the school plummeted from 660,995kWh to 273,148kWh with carbon savings in the region of 53 tonnes a year.

“We are naturally over the moon at both the financial and environmental results” said Diane Mascot, Business and Resource Manager at Farley Junior School. “In fact, we are still reaping the benefits of our energy saving heating system – our latest Display Energy Certificate shows that we have reduced our carbon footprint by a further 15% this year.”